Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Have you ever found it hard to be happy regarding your weight loss efforts because the scale displayed an unappealing number?

In my mad pursuit to get the weight off, I hit a Plato a week before I was scheduled to run a 5k. My goal was to be under 150lbs so my Achilles wouldn't sideline me due to the amount of pounding & weight.

I worked pretty hard doing bleachers, lunges & squats. I kept my eating intact and put in extra time running fourteen laps to build endurance & burn more the end of the week I was satisfied with the amount of energy & effort I put forth. My brief moment of satisfaction was damper the instant the number popped up on the scale..."No Improvement" How could that be. I'm in a smaller dress size...I look leaner in the face....I have more energy and more spring in my step.....But how can I celebrate when I didn't loss any weight? Let me tell you how....

You take a step back and journey to when you first got you remember how you felt, how you looked and all the bad habits that caused the weight gain.....Haven't you changed your habits, put time and attention into what you eat? Haven't you make working out a priority where at first it wasn't....Haven't you seen your energy level improve, aren't your clothes getting loose too. Haven't others said they see a change in don't even think the same....You have a right to celebrate regardless of what the scale has to say.........

You've come a long way and NO you're not where you started, so celebrate your success on the way to where you are striving to be....Celebrate through adversity, because the wall is going to come down the more you pound against it....Plato's happen, it's a momentary setback....Yet nothing can erase the fact of how far you come from week number 1.

Give yourself permission to smile and go on run your race....I did it at 150 pounds with a strained Achilles heel and I finished with a smile of my face.....Did I cross the line first, most certainly not. However, I became a winner the instant I took my first step. Pain & fatigue quickly became my companions after the first mile was done....I wasn't gonna let them deter me from finishing my race....I had to fight all the adversity to obtain the prize....Somewhere within me came the strength to encourage an elementary school runner who was ready to give up eight hundred meters from the tape....I grabbed her hand and said now is the time to take a deep breath and finish what you've started..look how far you've come..the finish line is just around the corner, cross it and then you're done.....Run on ahead and I'll see ya when I get've got to finish it & I've got to finish mine.

It's not how you start, It's how you finish....Plato's aren't meant to discourage, but to PUSH into purposeful MOMENTUM....Celebrate your achievements along the way, meditate on the good in your day & let the negative news go some place else today.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
I agree we have to celebrate the successes. I know I have more energy and I am stronger. My mindset is changing and I look at food differently. I haven't gotten it all figured out but I work on my thoughts everyday. I have had an unhealthy relationship food since I was aware of my weight, age 14. I am tired of thinking about my weight, and tired of being concerned with my weight. Plateaus do happen and I'm sure I will find myself in that place, but working on how to handle it when it does happen. FYI, my mom and I were talking and she said with all that energy and speed she (meaning u Lisa) there is no wonder she is so small. I said Ma, the level of speed she has is just beyond me. Your limbs move sooooo fast. Anyhoo, with you in the front of the class it always gives me something to strive for. Congrats on your blog.

apcountrymanager said...

Lisa, I left the comment above. Technical issues.


veronica said...

Hello Lisa,
I am pleased with my results and feel so much stronger than 3 months ago. I am still in this race and plan on hitting the finish line with a positve mind body and soul.I am so looking forward to cycle three.I am so blessed to have you as a instructer and a friend.


Deborah said...

Hi Lisa!

We HAVE come far since week #1! I am proud of all the accomplishments of my fellow Cycle 1 classmates. I have been motivated by thier wonderful progression and OUR results. Personally, I have chosen to rejoice and appreciate every aspect of this learning experiance as well as the people who have helped to make it a success. It is easy to take for granted what cannot be measured. Cycle 1 has laid a strong foundation for Cycle 2 to build upon.

Thank You!

veronica said...

sorry I meant cycle two

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Two weeks ago when I entered your class I had an attitude of defeat. GOD is using your words of encouragement to motivate me to a better person for myself and those around me. The cares of life become obsolete when I enter the class. Keep allowing GOD to use you and this ministry to help, heal and strengthen us all.

Taf said...

Without a doubt Lisa, YOU ROCK! God is definately using your ministry of exercise to reach out to so many of us and YES we are responding. Thanks for possibilities, your outcome gives us all inspiration that results are attainable.


Taebo Junkie ; - )