Saturday, April 4, 2009


Ask anyone you know, "If you could improve one part of your body, what would it be?" The answer will likely be the stomach. Many people are under the impression that purchasing some type of ab exerciser advertised on TV will guarantee a nicely etched midsection. While exercising the abdominals is necessary to thicken that specific muscle group, aerobic exercise combined with the right diet is essential in shedding body-fat, which allows the ab muscles to shine.

As a group, bodybuilders appear to have better abdominal development than any other athlete, primarily due to the low levels of body-fat they achieve with aerobic exercise and a low fat diet. Even those with minimally developed ab muscles can create the illusion of professional looking abs by shedding body-fat. Most inactive women carry about 25% body-fat. Reducing this number by even 5% will make the abdominal muscles look tighter.

3,500Calories = A Pound of Fat

Shedding excess bodyfat to reveal well developed abs requires increasing your caloric expenditure and reducing your caloric intake. Intense aerobic exercise facilitates the use of fat for fuel while a small reductionn in daily caloric intake creates an energy deficit. Depending on your level of fitness, to lose 1 pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3,500 calories. Each minute of aerobic exercise burns an average of 10 calories, so 30 minutes of daily aerobic exercise can burn around 300 calories a day or about 2100 calories a week. Naturally, this figure also depends on training intensity and volume. TaeBo has the potential of resulting in 1,200 calories burn if you keep the intensity level high. (Look at my energy level during's through the roof)

Cutting another 200 excess calories a day create (To lose 10 pounds in a year, it takes a deficit of 96 calories a day)

Losing fat on a calorie controlled diet requires careful planning and patience. You might find counting calories to be tedious and time consuming, so I've got a easy to follow sampe menu plan of 1,700 calories. Most active women can readily lose fat on the this plan.

This menu plan will provide enough fuel for you to train hard and, for the majority, will create a small calorie deficit so you can shed fat safely. Before starting the diet plan, weigh yourself. After 10 days on the program, weigh yourself again. If you've lost a pound, stick with it! If you've lost less than a pound, add 30 minutes of cardio work every third day. This should accelerate your weight loss to about a pound every 10 days.