Monday, April 13, 2009


Have you noticed throughout your life, if you have gone through any type of physical appearance change how someone always has something to say about it.....Well, I have. Throughout my 15 years of marriage my body has gone through several weight phases due to the issues of life....What really got my attention was the different levels of prejudice I experienced from not only other races, but my own....After doing a survey of what I experienced, I noticed how we as humans find comfort in grouping with others like ourselves....We often show prejudice toward those who are different than ourselves whether extreme outward displays or the smallest ones......

I had to go back and reevaluate my personal actions toward those I had an unfounded opinion about without even knowing their story........I had to repent for my judgmental actions toward others I did or didn't know.....I realized how painful uncensored words are when they are directed at you....but what wounded me the most were the LOOKS of DISCUSS aimed toward me... Unfortunately, we all go through it at some point in our lives....Sometimes we even let them frame how we live the rest of our lives.

You may think this only happens to obese people or disabled indivduals....It happens to anyone who is considered different.....With the body I have worked hard to get in shape today, I still get the questionable looks as to why would a woman want to look like that? Wow... Is there a standard to beauty, fitness, or mascularity. If so, who is in charge of setting that standard...White folks, people of color which are the majority of us....What are we trying to live up to or impress?

My words to all of you is this.......Be CONFIDENT in who God has made you....These bodies that we are living in are CHANGING every day....yes, like it or not we are all growing closer to the grave. Hopefully much later if we continue to take care of ourselves now, we will be able to embrace our golden years with grace and vigor. Love yourselves right where you are today, be proud of who you are on the way to where you're going. If you continue to listen to people, there will always be something wrong with you, that you can get fixed.....The images are out there, but if we don't feed into them they won't be a major issue in our lives...

We are all unique and not made to be a replica of anyone else....Your essence & beauty belongs to you and it makes you special....You are fearfully and wonderfully made..People are drawn to your assets, whether they be outward or inward, its apart of who you are, so celebrate your uniqueness while you have breath in your body and don't worry about the short sightedness of those who haven't tried to take the time to get to know the REAL YOU....

In MY EYES, you are ALL WINNERS and beautiful individuals who've enriched my life every time I see you....Your contributions to this world are awesome whether you're young, or old...So see yourself as valuable as you truly are and don't attempt to be judge and jury regarding others that have to find their own way..because if we continue to judge, we ourselves will be judged with that exact same measure of judgment......

If you love yourself the way that God loves can forgive others who have not discovered Gods love is the only way to true contentment and peace!