Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Does it ever appear like victories in life seem short lived. Sometimes in the same breath you release a celebratory praise come an immediate test.

In times of reward often times a test or trial will ensue. Our job is not to stress when it touches down.

Prime example: Yesterday I shared with everyone at CSC some really great news pertaining to my job and I thanked all of them for their prayers & support. Well, at roughly 3am this morning Henry's Tow Truck Company was attempting to drive off with my husbands commercial vehicle with a Visitors Parking Pass visibly present in the window.

After going out on the patio to question the move taking place, they notified us you can't have a visitors pass in a commercial vehicle. WOW we had to swallow that one & relinquish 135 in the process.

The lesson from this was simple. When caught in an error, instead of going off in a fit of rage, agree quickly with the adversary or those who bring your fault out in the open. By doing so, you can quickly face it and move beyond it. Never sit and linger with something you can't change. Learn from it and try not to repeat the action.

I believe these lessons as costly as they may appear at the time, affords us all types of knowledge in the process. When we know better, we do better and are better equip to help or inform someone else along the way.

You may be thinking, why didn't anyone in your complex or building, like your neighbor downstairs who drives a commercial vehicle tell you to beware of using the pass in such away? There could be a number of different reasons, but there again, it is our responsibility to be aware, and informed to the things that pertain to us. We should never souly depend on others to tell us right from wrong, when most things we already know for ourselves. The things we don't necessarily know, we soon find out, one way or another.

This principle applies in every aspect of our lives.....look at how well it fits in the area of loosing weight, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even the pressures on our jobs most days.....It's how we respond to it that makes the difference in how deadly or mild the impact is.

In life family, don't feed into the heat of a thing, whether you're innocent or guilty. Come to grips with it quickly so you can move on to better things....When you come out of it, right down the lessons learned from it...it will make you smarter & wiser.

When wrongfully accused, don't use that as an opportunity to lash someone with your tongue, just step back and calm yourself. Let the next word coming out of your mouth be calm & well thought out.....A soft answer, turns away wrath.....Meaning, if someone is flying off the handle at you, don't meet them head on in anger.....do just the opposite. Keep your composure and stay calm to defuse the intensity of the moment. It works out better for you in the long run.

We all as human beings have areas in our lives that needs constant prayer and this maybe it for a majority of us.....but whatever it maybe.....be patient in knowing, that the good work God began in us, He will see it through, until the day of completion. We can count on it.

So once again family, DON'T STRESS, in this thing we're presently going through, just take a deep breath because IT'S JUST A TEST!


veronica said...

Whats up Lisa,
Im sorry to hear about the incident this morning.Staying calm is the right thing to do. I will try to intergrate that in my self- improvement.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Sorry to hear about the issue this morning. Just when you think you have a few duckets put aside for a rainy day, along comes evil to take it away. Remaining calm and practicing self-control in times of any hardship really helps to control our tongue when anger strikes. I find myself being put to the test a lot these days and I am truly learning how to keep a calm spirit. Thanks for your advice.

Mom D