Monday, August 31, 2009


Throughout life we often run into day to day challenges whether we're ready for them or not.
Some of these concerns can really derail us from our daily routines. If they are time consuming in nature, they will alter the course we are currently on....

It often times happen when we're in a good place with ourselves, committed, maintaining balance & making significant progress.


All of a sudden you look up and you've missed a week of cardio classes and you've fallen into a habit of grabbing all the wrong things to eat again...Next thing you know people are calling you out of the blue to come hangout with them after hours..... WAIT!!! What is happening....


You are on the T-N-T Express...destination "I'M BACK" There are NO scheduled stops for 3 months. As your conductor, there are many obstacles presenting themselves throughout the journey. However, it is my responsibility to maintain a safe environment for lounging, be accommodating an informative of sudden changes in our course. Lead by example and tell the truth regarding the conditions of our transportation (body)....Yet in all of this, we have to run our own race with PATIENCE that has been appointed to's already set, just walk it out. Hebrews 12:1 You have to because we won't arrive overnight, but in due time.

Every day is a learning process full of information designed to assist us in our daily activities....
Allow me to point out three areas I've discovered can throw us off track.

Our attitude toward a situation will determine our success or failure....Our approach to a thing makes the difference....Try this exercise: When someone you like comes into your presence take notice of how you respond to them....Now, when someone that irritates you confronts you, watch how quickly your attitude changes from pleasant to disturbed....If I ask you to stand in the front of class, when you prefer to stay in the back and you catch an attitude because I'm taking you out of your comfort zone, you limit yourself from learning or experiencing something new & fresh in that moment.
So, the wrong ATTITUDE can derail us. Our ATTITUDE is our life turned INSIDE OUT. Put on the mind of Christ....What is the mind of Christ? His WORD...Read the bible, study it, meditate on it...become acquainted, and it will fill our hearts & mind with righteous substance to help guide us into wise thinking & behavior. Let this mind be in us that was also in Christ Jesus our Lord. Philippians 4:2 Don't be one of those while in the company of the unsaved disregard what you know to be right, just to fit in with them...Having the mind of Christ is merely wearing the HELMET of SALVATION...The goal of our adversary is to get us to take that helmet off so he can attack our mind, our thought life...
PLEASE, KEEP IT ON NO MATTER WHAT....Once the mind is infiltrated, the heart is next.

Those who are around us who only associate with us because we frequent in the same activities or workplace....Outside of those environments we really have no further interaction with them...These folks are not our friends, they don't care about us or what is important to us...They won't risk their neck to save ours, and wouldn't hesitate to rat us out if it meant promotion or praise, even recognition from upper management.
Sometimes we confuse Associates for FRIENDS....The root word meaning of friend is LOVER. A true friend LOVES at all times Proverbs 17:17....They will tell us the truth.
A friend is born to help in times of trouble to COMFORT, GUIDE..EX. If something was in between our teeth, they would be the ones to tell us, because they care about associate would let us walk around all day like that, because they don't care about us. They might not even like us all that much. A friend will FIGHT for us, PROTECT us, Tell us when we're wrong or out of line...even RUN to our aid...HELP us reach your goals and DEMONSTRATE how fond they are of us by the way they treat us. They're not jealous of us, but inspired by us!
STOP trying to MAKE these associates your don't need them to be your friend...Cut them off...If you continue to pursuit them, they will suck the life out of you...They are TAKERS, not friendship MAKERS...They will hang in there with you, until they catch you in something and then they will be the ones to say..."I've got something on them nobody knew!" Hey family...that is not a friend and guess what...You keep hanging with them and you'll find yourself DERAILED!

Cut them OFF...before you find yourself THROWN OFF the train!!! If you put your faith and trust in the Lord, He WILL SEND you a HOLY HOOK UP! I'm living proof of that, by Him sending me all of you! SMILE!!!

People are not our adversary, it's the devil. Peter 5:8 People are influenced by the enemy to do this or that...but the one we are waging war with is the devil....He is always in pursuit of the saint or those who would will to do the right thing....However, if we don't know who we are as a person, we will always run into his wall of deception....The only way to beat him at his own game is to first SUBMIT to God...Come under Gods authority by getting on our knees and seeking His face...Humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He WILL LIFT US UP....
RESIST the devil...How do we do that? After we kneel to God we can then STAND UP to the devil...he is more afraid of us when we know who we are in God...then we should be of him.. When we stand up to him...the word of God says he WILL FLEE. James 4:7 The devil LUST after us to sift us as wheat, to scatter us, he wants to isolate us so he can overtake our life...God has given us POWER to tread on Serpents & Scorpions and over ALL THE POWER of the enemy and NOTHING shall by ANY MEANS HURT US! God said that in Luke 10:19

We determine our outcome in this life by the choices we make, so remember if we allow ATTITUDE/ASSOCIATES or an ADVERSARY to dictate our next move, we're done..

We have destiny family...and we all have to pass through this way...The Train of Hope is here for all of us to "GET BACK ON TRACK!"


veronica said...

Hi Lisa,
Thanks for that spritual encouragement.So True.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,
Thank you for this physical, mental and spirtual journey. With patience, adhering to your encouraging words of wisdom and having a great conductor, as yourself running the T-N-T Express, I can remain on the right track and stay focused in a positive way while taking this ride.
Mom D