Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Everyday of our lives we face challenges. Some are more substantial than others, but we learn how to stand by our decisions and weather the storm.

When analysing this chapter in our life concerning weight, we may discover it's not quite as easy to combat as it was when we were younger.

What we use to know about ourselves seems to be obsolete to who we are today.

Every decade it appears a new set of rules apply. We all face these monumental Plato's throughout life, so don't panic....just take a moment to embrace the more wiser you.

During this time I find a lot of people ask me what can they do to loose weight now that they're in a certain age bracket...

As we age our metabolism slows down and it is our job to find away to crank it up a notch.

Everyone is different and what worked for me in my forties may not work for you...however, that is no reason to loose faith in ever loosing the weight.

So much concentration is placed on the outward manifestation of the weight coming off verse the mental aspect of lifestyle change along with the conscious effort going into how much and what we consume.

If all we ever see is a diet filled lifestyle, we will be depriving ourselves of the enjoyment that goes hand and hand with living..........

We shouldn't have to look at food as a big RESTRICTION... But a fuel to REPLENISH our bodies.

We need to slow down when we eat....Set aside enough time to eat and enjoy our meals slowly. Ask for a box to go when dining out, so when the meal arrives at the table half of it can immediately be put away.

When we let our flesh dictate what it wants, it always wants more than it can hold. Don't give it the option to control...Make a conscious decision before you sit down at the table, to pack some to go.

If you eat after 8pm stay up three hours beyond so your food will have a chance to digest before you lie down....The last thing you want to do is work hard at the gym and go home and put every calorie you've burn back in your body when you get home.

Make sure you're drinking enough water and by all means get a good nights rest.

Most of us work really hard in class to burn the calories...lets work just as hard outside the gym with clean living........

Only you and God know what you're doing outside the gym, so make sure not to put your issues on the shoulders of your instructors, coaches, trainers, family or friends....Keep them where it truly belongs and don't loose faith in your ability to reach your personal goals.

Stay diligent and focused on what your triggers within are, then allow yourself to see yourself working toward healthy living not another unrealistic fad diet......They get to be very expensive after awhile.......

Hold on to your money, put one foot in front of the other and PUT THE WORK IN!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I can't thank you enough for the widsom/encourgement that you give each class. I needed this today! I got on the scale and the number is so disappointing to me. I know I “put the work in" but for some reason not getting the results I think I deserve. BUT I don't won' to lose the FAITH because that's all I have. I just don't know what else to do to get the results I want........
