Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This weeks fitness focus will be on the lower back

Your bodies core is the center of all your power. This area consist of the abdominals and lower back muscles. They are the foundation from which all other movements are generated. Without a strong back to accompany solid abs, your core power is compromised.

Before doing any lower back exercises you need to warm the back up properly by hold the position for 20 seconds. Here are some of the best stretches to do just that:

Low Back Press/Stand with your knees bent and feet together. Slowly lean forward, locking your arms behind your knees. Gently try to push up through your low back. Keep your arms secure behind your legs. Hold the stretch for 10 - 20 seconds and repeat 2-3 times. Done correctly, your legs should never fully straighten during the stretch.

Sit & Reach/Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, your toes pointing upward. Slowly lean forward from your waist and reach your hands out toward your toes. Hold for 10 - 20 seconds repeat 2 -3 times

Pretzel Stretch/Sit with your left leg extended and place your right leg over the left leg, bending at the knee. With your left elbow on the outside of your bent knee, slowly twist to the right and press your elbow through your knee. Hold for 10 - 15 seconds before slowly reversing directions
Stretch each side 2 - 3 times

Here are the Lower Back Exercises for this week are:


Good Morning/Stand up Straight feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent with a bar or broom resting across your shoulders. Grasp bar to steady it, back should be naturally arched.
Bend at your hips until your torso is parallel with the floor. Push butt back so back stays flat.
Then raise back up to the standing position.

1 - 3sets 10reps

Lying Superman Raise/Lie face down on the floor with your arms stretched directly overhead.
Raise your left arm and right leg simultaneously, also lifting your chest slightly off the floor.
Hold for a three count and focus on squeezing the muscles of your lower back.
Slowly lower your limbs under control at the same time to the floor & repeat on opposite side.

1 -3sets 10reps

Back Extension (angled bench)/Lie face down on a back extension bench set at about 45 degrees. Make sure the ankle supports are correctly adjusted and that your hips and torso are on the pad. Cross your arms over your chest and lean forward at your waist to lower toward the floor, maintaining a flat back

1 -3sets 10reps


veronica said...

Hi Lisa,
These excerises really come in handy.I will be doing these doing the holiday.