Sunday, April 4, 2010


I would like to start by thanking all who came out to support our first Saturday outdoor Cardio Kickboxing Event....

It was most certainly a beautiful day to hold our class outside. We will be holding such events throughout the summer months, which will be announced a week prior to the date given.

Everyone really demonstrated skill, technique and fun. Many spectators observed how sharp our family looked while passing by them time & time again as they walked the track.

I was mighty impressed by how together & solid the entire group were from start to finish....
As much as I attempted to stay on script with the class.....I couldn't ignore the fact that we were outside and among spectators, who were interested in knowing, when & where we hold classes during the week because everyone looked so thorough.

In a nutshell.....I was very pleased with the turnout & participation of all present. We had a nice time exhibiting our self defence skills out in the open for on lookers to see.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank the good Lord for such a beautiful day along with health & strength. I couldn't have asked for a more lovely one.

Thank you to all who responded to my email, who couldn't attend this time due to prior engagements. Your prayers & presence was most definitely felt. We will plan others in the near future, so read your T-N-T emails to come.

Lets use this time to focus up on what we need as individuals and how we can be a blessing to one another as a TEAM. We are only as strong as our weakest lets continue to show love, extend our hand to one another. Push negative words, thoughts and current circumstances with its costly behavior far from our future.

Success doesn't only begin with the words we confess, but how we WALK OUT the rest. Someone is always watching to see if we truly believe the things we release out of our mouths... Most times it is our family. It's not a good practice to blurt out every thought that comes to mind, because once you speak it....its hard to retrieve it....The bible teaches us to be slow to SPEAK & quick to LISTEN...that is a sign of wisdom & maturity, not judgment.

As we confess our intentions concerning fitness this year for others to confident in that proclamation and after you've done all to do to stand in your convictions....STAND UP and hold your position.........


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I really enjoyed the Saturday workout. It was a fun event for me. The weather was beautiful and I thank the Lord for that. You have taught me great skills and I feel confident with myself on the inside/outside. Your classes have definitely taught me how to practice wisdom and strength. I am grateful for all you have done to help me achieve this maturity aspect of my life and become a more confident woman.
Denise aka T-N-T Kitten