Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Pressures, fears, anxiety, stress, anger, bitterness...."Why can't I shake this!"

How in the world did you ever get to this place in life....what circumstance brought you here?

Is life so bad, you don't know which way to turn.....or was it one spontaneous choice that spiraled you into your own private prison?

Sometimes our valley experiences could very well be setting us up for our biggest BREAKTHROUGH....How can a VICE bring forth a VICTORY?

I'm glad you asked. There are times in life when we can become over confident in what we believe we already the point that we refuse to let anyone else address us on it or even hear what they have to say.....We formulate an opinion which become a barrier of protection. Therefore leaving NO space for an optimistic point of view to be entertained....

Being humbled due to pride can be an humiliating experience in the presence of others. So many of us retreat when facing difficult situations in life....

I believe God allows us to GO THROUGH various obstacles to mature us in one way or another....we gain experience from life lessons no matter how minor or sever.... I believe we ALL take turns being taught and teaching others....

We weren't given life on earth to live selfishly, but to give of ourselves through love, joy, heartache and experiences....

Our contribution to society is to present the best WE, we can offer....with all of its drama, ups & downs, accomplishments & failures....Life is a series of EVENTS none of which we fully know the outcome to if left up to our own devices........

We would all like to think heaven will be our home....but many of us live like hell on earth. Bitterness fills some of our hearts due to some significant undertaking in our life. Some are filled with anger & hatred because of how others have treated us. Many may sit in the seat of unforgiveness due to an injustice render.....Envy & Jealousy could possibly have a vice grip over the heart enabling true love from embracing us......

Go all the way back in you mind to determine the ROOT cause of all your frustration. There you will find the source of your present pain........It never starts by searching outside of begins from WITHIN. The problem didn't originate with them....but the last two letters of the word them in reverse.. "ME." What is it in ME that I haven't come to terms with? Why can't I be happy...what am I doing wrong...what is going on...WHY CAN'T I SHAKE THIS!

Help! H= Humble yourself to the fact that you need Gods help to see you through the issue and grant Him access to your HEART
E=Express where you are truthfully to someone you trust who will have your best interest at heart and EXCEPT their help
L=Listen to sound advice from God & those messengers with an on time word specifically addressing where you are
P=Pray without ceasing for peace & deliverance to rest in your heart again

What we speak out of our own mouths can actively promote a state of mind for healing or utter destruction....Can we get any lower than bottom....YEAH....Dead. Yet, in this very moment of life you can still choose to live.....yes swim not drown....All it takes is ONE positive choice of surrender.....

These lessons are never easy, nor do we look forward to them when they come....however, we don't have to feel overcome by them either....

If you find yourself with a VICE around your neck choking the life out of you...cry out for Gods help by first apologizing for the wrong done....then release those who have offended you along the way....repent for any malicous acts done and surrender to the process of health & healing through Jesus Christ Gods only son.....

The deliverance is much bigger than much is riding on your recovery...because just down the road a piece, is a very dear friend about to fall into the same trap you are seeking deliverance from.....Your success will mean their escaping the same snare due to your timely advice concerning the dangers of it......

We go through, we learn...we teach so that others can be informed and enlighten of the truth.
The reasons may not always be clear why we choose the pathways we do...but one thing is for sure...God knows how to sheer us all back on the right path if we ask Him too.

Do we know everything, most certainly not....and that maybe the very reason why I can't shake this......Just remember, the VICE everyone can see today...may very well turn into your VICTORY of PRAISE tomorrow.....

Turn to God and see how He can rescue you out of a hellish situation.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Has anyone ever told you..."I can't read your mind" or "You should have told me what you wanted."
COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY to a healthy & strong relationship.
This skill of communication can dictate how well you function in life. It involves a great percentage of all we do.
Our interactions with others play a large role in our social stability. When we find it hard to communicate our thoughts & feelings openly we run the chance a living a very isolated existence.
Verbal communication can afford you promising relationships. However, there are always different degrees of happiness that only you or I can determine for ourselves.
The institution of marriage is the one area that showcase how beautiful a man & woman can flow together when harmony & healthy communication is in place....
How can TWO walk together, unless they agree.... There must be a level of communication in place in order for them to live together in peace & love. Respect, honor and devotion cultivates the act of communication.
Personality & upbringing adds flavor to your expression of communication, but it should never be used as a weapon to punish anyone.... Words can build up or tear down...inspire or discourage.
Communication is a CHOICE and when done properly, it can bless a lot of people.
Why do we see so much happiness on the day we say I do....and so many tears throughout the years we add thereafter? Communication can be as complex as love itself if we stay closed minded.....but if we examine the effects our language causes to those around us...we can make a conscious effort to correct the vice within us that causes us to exhibit such behaviors.
I was blessed to attend two very special marriage ceremonies within our family. I watched these couples reach a level of communication in their relationships that moved me immensely. I witnessed how different their language of love flowed toward their fiance' and how well received their men became as they communicated where they were at during that particular time in life.
I saw TWO beautiful ladies present themselves to the man of their dreams....I witnessed the love, commitment & communication relayed in the vows they made.... I felt the love, regard & respect in their actions....Yes I heard harmonious communication surface from their lips, pronouncing they were now MRS. Crowder.... MRS. Royster
In order for us to survive the attacks that come up against our relationships, we must make a gallant effort to communicate truth, & sincerity.....Even in the acts of being angry...we can still bring our point across in a calm, less intrusive manner.
Controlling our tone....helps digress the electricity in a heated conversation....
We can be angry, but don't go off the deep end trying to be heard, or getting in the last word....what good is the last word, if we're left all alone to deal with it?
Remember, once we release WORDS out of our mouth, they have to potential to do good or evil.
We all need to take the time to think before we speak because, "Communication Is The Key" to a life of PLEASURE or POISON!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It never amazes me how far hard work and dedication can take you.

On a Wednesday I had the pleasure of instructing one very confident & dedicated sister during my afternoon session.

Even though, it was only the two of us on that day, we worked out hard as if the room was full of folks....

We pushed one another beyond tired and discovered there was something pleasant on the other side of exhausted.

Transition is a beautiful thing, because it shows you just how strong you really are.....

The perspiration cooled our bodies and the punches sculptured our arms....our legs were on fire from the repetition of squats, while our minds wondered how much more can we take.

The closer we got to finishing the workout, the more intense the seconds seem.

I watch my beautiful sister reach the finish line with no complaints or regrets for sticking it out....all she uttered was YES to confirm to herself, she had made it straight to the end.

I thank God for sister Kennedra Tucker. She always exudes such strength in her quiet disposition and genuine love through her smiles. I am so proud of her and all she is in pursuit of fitness wise. It has been such a joy to watch her grow & perfect her skills.

I know she will be an excellent addition to our team of instructors and she will bless all who follow her instruction.

Much success my sister, for the path you have chosen and may God continue to smile upon all He has purposed for you to do in life.







Sunday, April 4, 2010


I would like to start by thanking all who came out to support our first Saturday outdoor Cardio Kickboxing Event....

It was most certainly a beautiful day to hold our class outside. We will be holding such events throughout the summer months, which will be announced a week prior to the date given.

Everyone really demonstrated skill, technique and fun. Many spectators observed how sharp our family looked while passing by them time & time again as they walked the track.

I was mighty impressed by how together & solid the entire group were from start to finish....
As much as I attempted to stay on script with the class.....I couldn't ignore the fact that we were outside and among spectators, who were interested in knowing, when & where we hold classes during the week because everyone looked so thorough.

In a nutshell.....I was very pleased with the turnout & participation of all present. We had a nice time exhibiting our self defence skills out in the open for on lookers to see.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank the good Lord for such a beautiful day along with health & strength. I couldn't have asked for a more lovely one.

Thank you to all who responded to my email, who couldn't attend this time due to prior engagements. Your prayers & presence was most definitely felt. We will plan others in the near future, so read your T-N-T emails to come.

Lets use this time to focus up on what we need as individuals and how we can be a blessing to one another as a TEAM. We are only as strong as our weakest lets continue to show love, extend our hand to one another. Push negative words, thoughts and current circumstances with its costly behavior far from our future.

Success doesn't only begin with the words we confess, but how we WALK OUT the rest. Someone is always watching to see if we truly believe the things we release out of our mouths... Most times it is our family. It's not a good practice to blurt out every thought that comes to mind, because once you speak it....its hard to retrieve it....The bible teaches us to be slow to SPEAK & quick to LISTEN...that is a sign of wisdom & maturity, not judgment.

As we confess our intentions concerning fitness this year for others to confident in that proclamation and after you've done all to do to stand in your convictions....STAND UP and hold your position.........