Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pushing Pass The Burn

Every class there should be a point in your workout that you find yourself "Pushing Pass the Burn."

The more you reach, the further you will stretch. The more you push, the farther you will go.

Oh yes, the more you work pass your level, the quicker you will experience the burn called fatigue.

Burn is good...pain is not. The body will always send you signs as to what is functional and what is straight out an injury. The sensations are very different. You can continue the workout through an initial burn, you may not be able to through an injury.

When you feel the burn in any part of your body, it is because you are fatiguing that muscle group. Blood & oxygen and other chemicals are rushing to aid those muscle so you can complete the exercise. Once you stop the movement the burning sensation stops. By stressing the muscle group you are training it to become stronger and more durable for stamina & growth.

Monday I had the pleasure of putting this very topic into practice with our sister Joyce Carson. Her and I put the music on and went for it an entire hour.

The burn presented itself in muscle groups I forgot I had. The burn was serious however, very encouraging all the same, because of the fact we knew there would be great benefits later for pushing pass the burn to get to the other side.

Joyce worked really hard and she went pass her stopping point. It's kinda hard to stop when TNT Tiger is right on your hips sweating it out along with you, while yelling in your ear... "Don't You Stop...Get that Leg Up...You're NOT Finish....I'm right here with you & I'm NOT gonna Let YOU GIVE UP!!!!!"

The source of energy that comes forth when you bear down is incredible.....That is why I lean on everyone the way I do, because I want you to realize the strength residing on the inside of you.

To sister Joyce, I appreciate all your hard work and look forward to many more sessions in the future with you in my front row, "Pushing Pass the Burn."


Anonymous said...

Burn, baby burn!!! I know that feeling when you are trying to finish a good workout with Lisa because she is a great motivator. Joyce, keep up the good work. You are on your way. Keep pushing on with the TNT Tiger and she will have you looking and feeling your best inside and out.


Joyce said...

aaaaawwwww, thanx so much Denise. I appreciate your encouragement in my process.