Wednesday, June 17, 2009


These Exercises target your love handles or sides.

Exercises for the week

Oblique Crunch/Lie on your left side legs on top of each other with your knees bent, using your right hand to cup your head. Crunch up as high as you can. Keeping the move in a lateral plane as much as possible to emphasize the obliques.

4sets of 10reps

Broomstick Twist/Stand erect with your feet hip width apart holding a broomstick across your shoulders with your hands securing it out wide. Rotate at the waist turning as far as you can without using momentum, then turn all the way back in the opposite direction

4sets of 10reps

Decline Russian Twist with medicine ball/Sit halfway back on a decline bench set to about 35 degrees and hold a medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands at arms length in front of you. With your arms locked in that position turn your torso all the way to one side. Do both sides is 1 rep

4sets of 15reps

Standing Oblique Cable Crunch/Stand next to a high pulley with rope or soft handle attached and grasp the handle positioning it beside your head for the duration of the set. Using your obliques, crunch down in the lateral plane as far as you can, holding the peak contraction briefly do both sides.

4sets of 10reps