Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Of late we have heard of so many incidental deaths due to an overdose of prescription medications or mistakes made at the pharmacy with incorrect drug dosage or being handed someone else's medicine by accident....even forgetting how much was consumed within a twenty-four hour period.

We much become vigilant when it comes to what we put into our mouths. Our very lives could depend on us not misinterpreting the proper dosages we consume. It appears several commonly known cold & pain medications are under suspension of containing a liver damaging substance and may potentially be pulled off the shelves.

We must be sure when our doctor writes a prescription that they explain why the medication is necessary. How long we're expected to take it. How many times a day and how many tablets per day. The side effects. If the medicine is to strong what other alternative maybe pursued? Even ask about water or alcohol, consumption while taking it. Discuss any other coexisting medicines being taken.

Ask the right questions, making sure we're absolutely clear of what suppose to be taken & when, and if possible let a family member know the same information and it should be taken to ensure backup is there if we forget to take the meds in a timely fashion. Even write down the time it was taken and place it underneath the prescription as a reminder what time and how much was take when.

We only get one body and it is our responsibility to be mindful of it and "Watch What We Put In Our Mouth!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The challenge of the week is to do SIX INCHES

Lie on your back on the floor
Place your hands under your behind
Raise you feet six inches off the floor which is fist high



Monday, June 22, 2009


Harboring anger and hate, discontentment and strife, bitterness and vengeance cuts into our life expectancy.

God never intended for us to hold on to such destructive emotions. He instructs us to cast our cares on HIM because He cares for us...

These tendencies will rob us of vital principles we should be governed by in the word of God....Our conversations shouldn't be filled with perverse images or loaded with profanity...Let not corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the edifying and building up of the hearer.

When we fail to renew our minds daily by the word of God, offenses and accusations attach themselves to our subconscious leaving a fowl residue in our heart which constantly compounds in intensity the longer it stays unaddressed in our heart....

We have to repent on the regular and FORGIVE those who offend us...It is more so for our own self preservation and not the offender....It releases our heart to love again with all pureness of character.

When we forgive we open ourselves up to peace, love, joy and all the fruit of the Spirit. We walk better as Christians, we become more understanding and it teaches us how to pray for one another....

Offenses will come...Anger will happen...but be angry and SIN NOT. Jesus got angry a lot with the Pharisee's and Sadducee's and his mom and disciples...but He didn't sin. We are not crazy for these emotions....Jesus went through it and so will we, but its how we govern ourselves through it that determines our outcome in the end.

When we walk in Forgiveness it creates longevity in all areas of our life. We can face many issues confronting us with a better since of purpose when we walk in the examples left for us in the word of God...

Forgive seven time seventy-seven times....in other words as much as possible...We want God to forgive us in our faults every time we offend or sin against Him...then that is how we should approach the circumstances when they hit our doorsteps....

Walk in peace with all men as much as it is in our power.

When we do our part as believers, we create lasting springs of longevity.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Here's your chance to achieve your arm success! Follow the video below to sculpt your muscles; commit to performing these exercises as often as possible. Remember, you have to "put the work in" to achieve maximum results. Using this video will allow you to get those arms you want from the comfort of your home!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We are moving into our 3RD challenge
You all are doing great with these exercises and I am proud of the effort and strength I see in all of you....Keep Putting In the Work

This Weeks Challenge are CHIN UPS

On a high bar in the gym pull your chin up over the bar as many times as you can without stopping. There is no set number....just do as many as you can.. The challenge is lifting your entire body weight........

Any outrages numbers written down will result in a open demonstration.

Let's Do This Tigerettes momma T-N-T is watching!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


These Exercises target your love handles or sides.

Exercises for the week

Oblique Crunch/Lie on your left side legs on top of each other with your knees bent, using your right hand to cup your head. Crunch up as high as you can. Keeping the move in a lateral plane as much as possible to emphasize the obliques.

4sets of 10reps

Broomstick Twist/Stand erect with your feet hip width apart holding a broomstick across your shoulders with your hands securing it out wide. Rotate at the waist turning as far as you can without using momentum, then turn all the way back in the opposite direction

4sets of 10reps

Decline Russian Twist with medicine ball/Sit halfway back on a decline bench set to about 35 degrees and hold a medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands at arms length in front of you. With your arms locked in that position turn your torso all the way to one side. Do both sides is 1 rep

4sets of 15reps

Standing Oblique Cable Crunch/Stand next to a high pulley with rope or soft handle attached and grasp the handle positioning it beside your head for the duration of the set. Using your obliques, crunch down in the lateral plane as far as you can, holding the peak contraction briefly do both sides.

4sets of 10reps

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Have you ever thought about the significance of an opened hand?

We do so many things with our hands. We can Help or Hurt with them...Comfort or Condemn. Applaud or Assault...Praise or Punish. We do countless things all day long with our hands by touching and reaching out, but what really should we use them for?

If we choose to walk around in life with them closed, we limit our effectiveness in the world and to others. If our fist are constantly balled up no one can place anything in it or receive anything out of it.

Being selfish and stingy deprives us from sharing the best of ourselves with others...Some of us have learned this traits over the years through being taken advantage of by family & friends or bad relationships.....There are plenty of opportunist and takers in the world whose intent is to rob and steal...They're fate is never favorable in the long run because sooner or later they will reap what they have sown.

When we choose to walk around with an opened hand, we are more prone to share what we have, be more generous and giving. Give and it shall be given back to you....Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall men POUR INTO your bosom. Now that is what happens with an open hand.....

Now your argument could be, what if someone comes by and steals what's in my hand? Well, if your hand was opened you already had made up in your mind you was going to be a blessing with it anyway...perhaps the one who took it needed it more than the one you where going to give it to....hummm I'm sure that's up for debate.

Always give thanks in all things....If God blessed you with the resources to get it once, He is well able to replenish it again....He works in multiplication not subtraction....We loose things all the time. Should we fault God or laugh at our own absentmindedness?

If we seriously look at what transpires in the open hand policy, we would be amazed at how involved we are in the true act of giving.

When something is taken out of it, you now have room to receive into it.... If there is no space to receive you maybe overlooked....If your heart isn't opened to receive a mate, that person will walk right by you because you're closed.

This works in every area of our life...closed minded...NO VISION and where there is NO VISION or insight the people perish....Growth is essential to progressing and functioning in today's society........

I can't shake your hand when it's closed....I can't welcome you with a hug, when your arms are folded....I can't place a gift in your hands if you won't reach for it....

A lot of us don't received answered prayers because we won't truly open up to God...Open our mouths and cry out to Him or surrender to His Lordship....We hold back, because of this reason and that....We like to look good and impress others....but we don't want to look desperate or fall apart in front of other...because after all...what would THEY THINK...

It's our perception or fear of what someone will think or say that hinders a lot of us from really being blessed in this world....Of course, with all of the things going on in the world today, everyone is trying to hold on to the little bit of something they have left....but ain't it funny no matter how tight we think we are holding on to it...there is something out there that causes us to loosen our grip to give it up...

We are only stewards over these things we temporarily have in our possessions while we're on earth...When we leave here, they stay here....We no longer own them or have rights over them.

Which brings me back to the subject. Wouldn't life be less stressful if we learned how to walk around with an OPEN HAND? You might be surprised by the people in the world who are looking to be a blessing to someone with an OPEN HAND.

This could be your opportunity to do something charitable in your office, church or community for someone you don't know....be it anonymous or known....kindness is contagious around the world....

Ask the Lord to use you in a special way today and show Him you're serious when you,

Monday, June 15, 2009


In every trial, tribulation and difficult situation in life, there is a way out. God has promised His children He will never leave nor forsake them regardless of the circumstance.

We can best believe God is with us and in the midst of us while we're engaged in the battle.

So be confident of this.....He has designed a way of escape for you 1 Cor. 10:13
The order & timing of it depends totally upon God....He said He would do it in His perfect timing.

Patience is a key factor here and that is where a lot of us waver in our faith. Because we don't know when the deliverance will come, we faint in our waiting and try to make something happen in our own strength. Wait I say on the Lord and be of good cheer, even if it takes years to manifest.

Thirdly. Your breakthrough could very well be you going into the fire. WHAT? Yes, God will at times lead you into a ridiculous situation for you to get the breakthrough you desperately sought.

In Exodus 14:16 God told Moses while Pharaoh's army pursued the children of Israel after they were released "Why are you crying out to me? SPEAK to THEM...tell them (Instruct them) to GO FORWARD to the SEA....(INTO THE WATER) The Lord told Moses to LIFT his ROD and STRETCH OUT his HAND OVER the SEA & DIVIDE IT." They crossed through the sea on dry land....After Moses sieged the water, he then had to tell it what to do by demonstration..by separating the ROD (INSTRUMENT/MANTLE) and HAND (Power of God)ps. 17:7 & 44: 3

God designed a way of escape.....
He provided the escape in His perfect timing
God delivered everyone of them from the fear of going back into captivity

They wouldn't have believed how truly faithful God was if they hadn't been driven into a life threatening situation and watch God miraculously create a way of escape for them.

So if you find you've been thrown in the fiery furnace or the lions den of persecution for no good reason....just know, God is with you. Speak faith that you're coming out of the thing and that it will be well with your soul when God releases you from it. Deliverance is on the horizon, because God has made sure for you..."THERE IS A WAY OUT!"


This weeks Challenge will need to be recorded on the C2C Sheet no later than SATURDAY....You have 3 classes to get it done

In this challenge you do as many PUSH UPS as you can in ONE MINUTE

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's time to round and lift our GLUTES


Barbell Squats/feet 12 to 15 inches in front of your hips

Do 3 -4sets of 8 - 10reps

Hack Squats/feet should be out in front

Do 3 - 4sets of 8 - 10reps

Smith -Machine Squat/feet are directly under your body

Do 3 - 4 sets of 8 - 10reps

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Healthy muscles will recover from workouts on their own, with no special prompting other than a proper diet and adequate amount of REST. Generally it takes three to five days for a body part to RECUPERATE and GROW after an intense weight-training session.

Averaging this to four days means a muscle trained on Monday should be ready for another session on Friday and then again on the following Tuesday.

Let soreness be your guide. Mild muscle soreness the day after a workout is a good thing. It highlights you had a productive session. Muscle cells have been depleted, and they'll need time to recover and grow back stronger.

Don't train that body part again until the soreness has all but disappeared. If a muscle trained on Monday is still sore on Friday, skip a day or two until the soreness abates. If soreness is extreme, or located anywhere but your muscles or if it persists without diminishing for a week, it is something other than a precursor to muscle growth and you should consult a doctor.

SOMETIMES the best thing you can do for your body is skip going to the gym. But please inform your INSTRUCTOR via email your current issues, perhaps there maybe some helpful advise given to hasten your recovery. If you continually stress a body part before it can recover, it will merely get weaker and smaller. If you allow it to RECUPERATE after such stress, it will grow stronger.

Always guard against over training. THE HARDER YOU TRAIN, THE MORE REST YOU NEED

As an adult, it's important that you get approximately eight hours per night of continuous or nearly continuous deep sleep to experience enough body and mind to properly be refreshed. Nearly everyone suffers from occasional insomnia, especially during periods of increased stress. More than 75% of all insomnia is caused by ANXIETY.

If you have trouble sleeping, avoid CAFFEINE and other stimulants in the evening and develop a pattern of going to bed and waking at the same time each day. MILK, which contains the sleep assisting amino acid TRYPTOPHAN, may be of some help, as may natural supplements and over-the-counter medication. Please be cautious using such drugs on a regular basis so you don't become dependent on them....If sleep disorder persists...Pray about it, then consult your doctor.

Stress depletes your energy reserves and slows down your body's RECUPERATION. Stress can come in the form of anxiety or it can be caused by physical hindrances, such as drugs, alcohol, illness or an improper diet. The physical hindrances are the easiest to combat. You must simply eliminate or minimize such problems.

A healthy lifestyle void of drugs or alcohol and with plenty of WATER, PROTEIN, NATURAL FOODS, VITAMINS & MINERALS will allow your muscles to quickly recover from workouts.

Working out when sick even if you're suffering only from the common cold, is often counterproductive, because illness saps your ability to recover from workouts.

There are things you can do to aid RECUPERATION beyond getting enough sleep and nutrients and keeping stress in check.

STRETCHING...not only keeps your muscles and joints pliable, but it can also increase blood flow, assisting RECUPERATION. If you wake up sore, STRETCH the ACHING MUSCLES. Massage helps loosen tight and sore muscles and increase blood flow. Heat can also aid RECUPERATION whether it's applied in the form of a whirlpool, a sauna, heating pads or a warm bath. Whirlpools are often the best method, because they provide both heat and a water massage. Warmer than average temperatures bring blood to the skin and the muscles, thus keeping your body loose and RECUPERATING. Warmth can also help to alleviate minor joint pain.

RELAXATION TECHNIQUES...such as meditation, yoga aid muscle RECUPERATION. These techniques help alleviate stress, and stress may be impeding the speed at which you recover from workouts.

Just as you can't grow without enough exercise and nutrients, you also can't grow without enough rest. Pay close attention to how your body is RECUPERATING from workouts and how you can improve this crucial element of your regimen. Don't think of the time you spend out of the gym as resting. Think of it as GROWING!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Here is a recap of the importance of adequate REST

Don't sabotage your gym and diet efforts by underestimating the importance of RECUPERATION.

Exercise, diet and rest form the triangle of physical growth. If you're lacking in any one of these three sides, your triangle will effectively collapse into a flat line. It's safe to assume, all of you realize the importance of weight training and nutrition yet you probably spend little time focusing on RECUPERATION.

Don't take recuperation for granted. You must give it some of the same analytical thought and effort you put into working out and eating. How well you plan your recuperation will have a direct effect on how well you work out and how well you eat.

Training, nutrition and rest are interdependent. It's only when you're resting that you are truly growing. During weight training, you essentially deplete your muscles. When you eat and drink, you replenish them. When you rest, they grow, hopefully stronger and larger than before if that is your goal. If you don't get enough rest and the right kind of rest your physique will never reach its true potential.


Most RECUPERATION takes place immediately after completing a set of exercises. You gain back more than 90% of your strength within one minute.

Thirty seconds to a minute is a normal rest period. Wait even longer between especially heavy sets of basic exercises. The clock is much less important than the signals your body gives you. Perform another set only when your breathing has returned to normal and you feel most of your strength has returned. There are times when you want to train quickly, and there are techniques that depend on little if any rest between sets. However, in most circumstances, you should allow yourself to almost completely recover from one set before beginning another.

Immediately after a workout, endeavor to stay warm. Warmth maintains your muscle pump longer, and a pump will keep your muscles loose and keep necessary nutrients coursing toward the depleted cells, thus fostering RECUPERATION.

Cold can diminish a muscle pump and stiffen muscles and joints. In addition, a hot shower after a workout can also help to keep muscles warm and recovering.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


We plan, we set goals we even move things around to make room for what we need to do. Every now and then obstacles present themselves, financial pressures breathe down our neck and job demands put us behind a rock and a hard place. Often the answer is to throw in the towel and try again some other time.

Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so we must set our sights on the notion that "Quitting is NOT an OPTION." Finish what we start. Make good on our promises. If we start the fire, make sure we're around to put it out.

Finishing is so important. Results are seen and determined by how well we finish. These unexpected events will occur....how we prepare for them will set the stage for how aggressively we fight to stay in position to win.

Okay, we went for our annual physical and the report was do something now or you might not make back for next years physical. Now our mind is in it and determined to win it....but half way through we feel the fatigue creeping up on us....we hear the cries of our friends and loved ones to keep on pushing, but we don't have the strength to reach out for another person. We hear the shouts and see others waving us on....in the corner of our minds we hear a voice saying QUIT you don't have to go on.

Just about the time we've ready ourselves to yield to defeat, God sends a friendly reminder, "with Him we already have the victory"....we're minded to fight the good fight of faith, and that the battle is not given to the SWIFT nor to the STRONG, but to the one that ENDURES until the END....With one big sigh of relief we know that the immediate cares resting on our shoulders weren't designed for us to carry and once we casted them upon the capable hands of the Lord, our joy returns to us once more....where the joy of the Lord is, there lies strength, to weather any storm and overcome any circumstance.......

We've come to far, to turn back now....the reward is just ahead for those who are determined in life that whatever they do, "Quitting is NOT an Option!" FINISHING IS THE GOAL FOR YOU!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Target area for this week is the CHEST

Exercises can be done on a flat bench or lying on your back on the floor

Flat bench presses 3sets 8 to 10reps

Close grip push ups (feet on bench or chair) 3sets as many as you can do

Wide grip push ups (feet on the floor) 3sets as many as you can do

Chest Compressions 3sets of 25reps You do these by contracting your chest muscles while sitting.....Just take a deep breath in and squeeze your chest muscles together as you feel your chest with air.....


Monday, June 1, 2009


When it comes down to creating a healthier lifestyle..."It's not to late."
When it comes down to renewing your way of thinking..."It's not to late."
When it comes down to making time for you...."It's not to late."

You have time to jump start the rest of your life, and what better way to do that than investing time into you.... We unselfishly give so much of our time away to others, but we must remember to balance it all out by penciling ourselves onto our weekly calendars....

We are just as important as the ones we serve. Weekly maintenance to our personal well being is a much for mental balance. We must on a regular basis take care of our heart, mind, body and spirit. If we fail to feed & strengthen all of these areas, we may develop a hitch in our get up and go. When we are well balanced we flow well throughout our day....When we don't make time to pray, all kinds of debris get thrown in our way....potentially it could cause us to stumble over it.

We always check the weather report to see how we should dress in the morning for work...The same way we put on the appropriate clothing for weather conditions, should be the same way we go to God in prayer before we start our day. It prepares us mentally, we're able to put on our full armour for physical & spiritual protection. We also condition ourselves to walk in peace with all mankind.

Now don't forget about putting the proper fuel in our bodies, by breaking our nightly fast with a wholesome meal prepared for royalty. One that will give our bodies the necessary nutrients to sustain us through our TaeBo workout.

If you only have a few minutes to fit it in...then use them according.."It's not to late," to eat, live, think and exercise yourself into the best shape of your life my friend.

Come on and finish what your started because..."IT'S NOT TOO LATE!"