Wednesday, February 2, 2011


For the month of February we are starting up our Straight Cardio Sessions.
NO WEIGHTS for this month.
These classes has ONE GOAL & ONE FOCUS.... to BURN BURN BURN them CALORIES away
If losing weight is your goal in 2011, come sweat it out with us and watch those unwanted pounds melt off you throughout the month of February.
Make sure to incorporate a good meal plan, drink plenty of water & get a good nights rest to go along with any exercise program you commit too.
I have seen the negative effects of not having these things in place in my daily routine. Many complications can follow if you don't have balance in your life. It will have adverse effects on everything you do.
A balance diet will give you strength & energy for your workouts
Water will hydrate your body & enable it to cool you down when you get hot from your workout
Proper rest, will help you recover from your workouts & energize, refresh you for the next day
Daily activity will help you stay fit, strong and rejuvenated.
All that needs to be done to achieve a lifestyle of vitality is for us to GET UP & take advantage of the resources God has placed all around us..... The information & tools/people are right there.
Now all we need do is.... GO FOR IT!!!!
The achievement comes, when we ACT on IT...
You CAN conqueror weight platos, slow metabolisms by making a move...
Its your call.... make the move to be "The Best You, You can be!"